Returning—but not to the Series “What is CRT?”
As the semester ends, I’m eager to blog again. It’s been too long.
But I’m not eager to continue the mini-series “What is CRT?” I’ve spent many hours the past three months answering versions of that question in classes, during podcasts, and for magazine interviews. For my own well-being, I need to write about something else.
Of course, I say this knowing that I’ll spend the bulk of this summer writing a book on CRT, writing an article or two on it, and preparing to teach an upper-division philosophy course on the movement in the fall. These commitments and my desire to avoid only playing CRT-translator have persuaded me to discontinue my CRT mini-series.
Positively, I plan to blog extensively on four topics: US legal history, racialization practices, Latin@ history, and Latin@ theology. Most of these blogs will be for those hungering for bite-sized race-conscious nuggets to help them sojourn well in our racialized world.
Stay tuned. Y saludos y’all.