A Christian Chop Session on Critical Race Theory: Part 2
Although Kendi isn’t a CRT scholar many people think he is CRT.
A Christian Chop Session on Critical Race Theory: Part 1
As fears of Critical Race Theory (CRT) spread across the United States—including within US churches—many of us find the common descriptions of CRT unrecognizable.
Derrick Bell on Class and Class-based Discrimination Against Whites
“Racism has been devastating to blacks, but it has also done serious harm to a great many whites.”—Derrick Bell
What is “Critical Race Theory”? A Meditation on Several Answers. (Part IV)
Because this text is the first book-length collaboration by CRT scholars (written by Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Charles Lawrence III, and Mari Matsuda), we do well to consider how it describes CRT.
What is “Critical Race Theory”? A Meditation on Several Answers. (Part III)
Bell spends the bulk of his essay showing, naming, and defending CRT.
What is “Critical Race Theory”? A Meditation on Several Answers. (Part II)
I have discussed how I approach CRT texts and treated the first published list of CRT’s common themes.
What is “Critical Race Theory”? A Meditation on Several Answers. (Part I)
Lately, many people are asking me the same question: “What are the main tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?”
Don’t Start Here: A Critique of an Introduction to CRT
“Surely I’ve misread something,” I thought.
Why is it called “Critical Race Theory”?
If it’s not a single theory, why is it called ‘Critical Race Theory?