Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

Mercy and Neighbor-Love

Real, Spirit-empowered faith in God manifests itself in acts of mercy toward the poor, naked, and hungry that address their physical needs.

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Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

Merciful Myth Busting

If Freire and Aquinas are right, teaching against oppression-sustaining myths that render people socially blind is an act of mercy.

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Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

Seeing Jesus (Part 2)

Let us plead with the Father, Son, and Spirit to multiple our resources and give us mercy-saturated discernment to use them to advance King Jesus and his merciful Kingdom.

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Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

Seeing Jesus (Part 1)

“[C]hrist is either neglected or honored in the person of those who need our assistance. So then, whenever we are reluctant to assist the poor, let us place before our eyes the Son of God, to whom it would be base sacrilege to refuse anything.”—John Calvin

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Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

Mercy Can Get You Killed

Like the Exodus prophets, Jesus’s ministry reveals that mercy threatens unjust systems and people, and that people respond to this threat with violence.

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Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

Tending to Shards

“The shards of heartbreak cannot simply be thrown away. They have to be reworked.” -Imani Perry

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Nathan Cartagena Nathan Cartagena

A Call for Race-Conscious Mercy

It is not enough, then, to champion race-conscious justice. Christians must also champion the mandate for race-conscious mercy.

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